This intro to stained glass teaches beginners about the craft. It covers the tools, materials, and basic techniques needed to start making your own stained glass pieces.
Mastering proper patina application techniques ensures beautiful results. We show you how to use and apply patina onto your solder lines. Step by step instruction and details, with videos to watch. How and why to clean and how to prepare before the patina goes on, safety notes, and more.
Explore mosaic arts beautiful designs in gardens, on furniture. Easy mosaics with glass! Super for a backsplash, stepping stone, tables, floors, panels. Dive in and create with mosaics.
From rebar to copper wire, explore the details of reinforcing stained glass. Suncatchers, panels or windows. Stabilize and protect your works of art with our expert tips and guidance.
There are two main techniques used in stained glass creation – lead came and copper foil. In this post, I’ll take a deep dive into lead came versus copper foil. You’ll learn the key differences between these two traditional stained glass building styles. I’ll also look at whether you can…
Proper foiling leads to clean, durable projects that will stand the test of time. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about foiling, from selecting the right materials to applying foil smoothly and tightly. On top of that, I’ll provide detailed steps and tips…